Monday, January 18, 2016

Good Habits - Keeping track of the Yearlies

A new year means new beginnings for some. It also means we have to repeat the yearlies...

There's the yearly bills - Home Owner's dues, property taxes, income taxes, dog tags, license plates...

There's the yearly events and holidays - birthdays, anniversaries, sports seasons, fundraisers (yay Girl Scout Cookies! and my book events!)

There's the yearly maintenances - oil changes, carpet cleaning, spring cleaning, gardening/landscaping/pruning, etc

There's the yearly doctor visits - prodding, poking, squishing, rinsing-and-spitting, blinding, etc

I look forward to some of these yearlies (I like to purge and donate) and dread others (Didn't I just go to the doctor?). Each year my memory gets worse, so I keep track of my yearly events on my calendar. Bdays are easy and help me remember to get my boys' physicals for their sports. The doctors usually keep me in line with their reminders, but not always so looking back at my calendar helps (I think I'm due for a dental cleaning, ugh). I also have a budget so I know what's coming, but I have a bad habit of ignoring the big "surprises" until I get the invoice in the mail, not to mention, they always go up!

What yearlies do you like/dislike? How do you keep track?
Happy Muster-it-up for Monday!


  1. I have a big wall calendar on which I keep track of most of the yearlies. My significant other handles most of those yearly bill, so I don't deal with those.

    1. i have all kinds of calendars! and my hub likes to spend, so i take care of the bills...

  2. I dread the yearly doctor visits and the yearly tax preparations. But we do what we have to do.

  3. I have a calendar on my computer which reminds me of such things. Makes life so easy.

    1. my ipad calendar is very helpful too - technology has its moments =)

  4. I write down all those dates too. I have my annual optometrist, dentist, and doctor appointments all within a couple of weeks of each other this year. I must be insane!

    1. i should be more pro-active, but i just hate going! and i've done the multi-appts in one day - stay away from mom that day!

  5. I use google calendar. The nice thing is that it can send reminders to my e-mail if I want it to. ;-)

    1. i love connecting the google calendar to multiple devices too!

  6. I need to make all of my appointments. Boring, but necessary. Doctors should serve cocktails. LOL

    1. cheers to that! i'd be perfectly happy having a 21 and over waiting room!


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